Sunday, December 29, 2019

Graduation Speech Training Sessions Or Mentoring Program

In order for the experiment to be conducted appropriately, veteran teachers need to be open for personal growth in their profession. One way they can perform this growth, especially to implement and strength-based curriculum, teachers need to partake in multiple teacher training sessions or mentoring programs. These teacher trainings are different than traditional trainings model because both parties are growing throughout the process, where in traditional training, the mentor is the guide, supporter or advice giver. Ye He (2009), explains the strength-based mentoring is aligned with educative mentoring where both the mentors and mentees are engaged in continued professional growth. Ye He (2009) continues to share â€Å"In educative mentoring the learning of the mentors and mentees occurs through meaningful social communication, interactions and practice in reaching co-constructed goals† (p 269). According to Ye He’s article, Strength-based mentoring in pre-service teacher education: a literature review (2009), the strength-based mentoring model follows 6 D’s stages to provide an effective training. The six stages are: †¢ Disarm- cultivating an open relationship. †¢ Discover – finding assets and strengths †¢ Dream – setting ‘we’ goals. †¢ Design – selecting mentoring methods to form ideal mentoring relationships. †¢ Deliver – enhancing learning to teach through reflection †¢ Don’t settle – challenging each other in collaborative partnership. (He, Y. 2009 pp 270-272) In conclusion,Show MoreRelatedHow High School Dropouts Affect American Society Essay2479 Words   |  10 Pagesa ten-year period† (p.5). Research revealed state and local economies suffer because it is more difficult to attract new business investments with a less educated population. As a result, the local government spends more monies on varying social programs (AEE, 2007). 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