Sunday, December 29, 2019

Graduation Speech Training Sessions Or Mentoring Program

In order for the experiment to be conducted appropriately, veteran teachers need to be open for personal growth in their profession. One way they can perform this growth, especially to implement and strength-based curriculum, teachers need to partake in multiple teacher training sessions or mentoring programs. These teacher trainings are different than traditional trainings model because both parties are growing throughout the process, where in traditional training, the mentor is the guide, supporter or advice giver. Ye He (2009), explains the strength-based mentoring is aligned with educative mentoring where both the mentors and mentees are engaged in continued professional growth. Ye He (2009) continues to share â€Å"In educative mentoring the learning of the mentors and mentees occurs through meaningful social communication, interactions and practice in reaching co-constructed goals† (p 269). According to Ye He’s article, Strength-based mentoring in pre-service teacher education: a literature review (2009), the strength-based mentoring model follows 6 D’s stages to provide an effective training. The six stages are: †¢ Disarm- cultivating an open relationship. †¢ Discover – finding assets and strengths †¢ Dream – setting ‘we’ goals. †¢ Design – selecting mentoring methods to form ideal mentoring relationships. †¢ Deliver – enhancing learning to teach through reflection †¢ Don’t settle – challenging each other in collaborative partnership. (He, Y. 2009 pp 270-272) In conclusion,Show MoreRelatedHow High School Dropouts Affect American Society Essay2479 Words   |  10 Pagesa ten-year period† (p.5). Research revealed state and local economies suffer because it is more difficult to attract new business investments with a less educated population. As a result, the local government spends more monies on varying social programs (AEE, 2007). 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Family Support and a Child’s Adjustment to Death - 707 Words

Fournier, D. G. Weber, J. A. (1985) Family Support and a Child’s Adjustment to Death Family Relations, 34, 1, 43-49. Family Support and a Child’s Adjustment to Death asks if a family’s influence in a child’s understanding of death will show the child’s participation through a death. Two major methods were used to collect the data of this article. One being a parent questionnaire that documented family demographic information and the other method was a complex child interview schedule. Families that had less understanding about death, and less likely to allow their children to participate in death related activities were highly cohesive families. Results show that children who partake in the family’s death-related experiences had a huge understanding of death. Future research directions should test all children of the same age or a specific mutual death between the children. 2. The role of family as educator and source of support for children during death related experiences is addressed. 3. 4. Families with high, medium, and low scores family cohesion will differ in the way decisions are made regarding a childs level of participation in death-related activities. Families with high, medium, and low scores on family adaptability will differ in the way decisions are made regarding a childs level of participation in death-related activities. Children who more actively participate in family and cultural rituals surrounding death will have a higher conceptualShow MoreRelatedEffects of Parental Death Essay3899 Words   |  16 PagesParental Death and its causes On Their Children’s Behaviors. By Tameka L. Flynt A paper presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements of CST 5006 - Survey of Research Methodology Capella University May 2010 Address: P.O. Box 1987 Griffin, GA 30223 Phone: 678-588-9932 Email: Instructor: Trent Nguyen Abstract The purpose of this study is to review literature related to the effects of parental death on children. Children who experience the death ofRead MorePredictable and Unpredictable Life Events1677 Words   |  7 Pagesstarting school, going through puberty and retiring from work, often mark a transition from one stage of life to another, acting as milestones in our personal development. Unpredictable life events, such as sudden illness or injury, redundancy or the death of a friend or relative, occur unexpectedly and are often associated with loss, but may also lead to positive change in our lives. Predictable life events tend to happen at particular points of our lives and these events are expected. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Quick Money Free Essays

Over the weekend Lucy organized a sleep over for a friend who was interested in making some quick money. Rob tried to molest her. Lucy’s friend resisted, and that is how the scuffle began. We will write a custom essay sample on Quick Money or any similar topic only for you Order Now Karen; Lucy’s friend had known what she had come but needed a little persuasion as she had never that kind of stuff and she desperately needed money to bail her boyfriend out of prison. Lucy nudged her and later went to call dad who was waiting impatiently in the sitting room downstairs. The action used to happen in Lucy room. Dad staggered into the room, grabbed Karen by the neck and pinned her down to the bed. He a little bit violent when drunk. Karen let out a sharp shrill and gathered enough adrenaline to push dad who had already tore her red velvet dress apart and was mounting her.She succeeded but lost her step and fell on her belly two steps from the leg of the bed. With hawk instincts Rob rose and grabbed her by the ankle. Rob pulled her back towards him and she reacted by kicking him thrice in his face, a matter that escalated the tension and made Rob become more rabid as he started nose bleeding. He was now on his feet and his sinister motive was written all over his face as his boner had receded. A panic struck Karen leaped out of the room and tried to shut the door behind her but Rob’s hand was already on her left arm. Karen jerked from the tight grip and hit her back on the rails of the first floor, she lost balance and landed on the ground head first. By then Lucy was just stepping back into the house. I called for the ambulance immediately but the time it got to the house she had already passed out and was pronounced dead upon arrival in the hospital. Reference Melatonin signalin , Kj Schippers, SA Nichols 2014Guiding life dark secret, LM Friedman 2007 How to cite Quick Money, Papers